La Tempestad # 3, Wed July 31 - No matter how treacherous is the sea, a woman will always be more so*


*Breton proverb (But I say it depends on the woman!)

Refrito: Madrina warns Dam about the impending tormenta. Mercedes sadly ponders the fate of her daughter. Mercedes wonders which stubborn mule will reign supreme, Damian or Marina. Split screen with Marina and Damian both gazing at the full moon, “What a man/woman! I’ve never met anyone like him/her. sigh...”

Lo Nuevo: Looks like

PEAM #102-7/31/13: Extra! Extra! Desperate Widows Fighting Over Cricket-Face Man

Recap By Pablo

80 more to go!

''You are a lot more than you think you are''

Xóchitl's honesty hurt Julio in the deepest part of his heart. She doesn't love him. Jesús is drinking coffee with him and trying to make him feel better but Julio is afraid he will end up alone as a zombie, living without will and just walking around with no direction. Of course Jesús is right, Julio deserves a

QBA Wednesday 7/31/13 Wax On, Wax Off

El Lay prison – Michael's a bit disappointed to
learn that Wendy's affection for him is only as surrogate father to her unborn
baby.  Although she admires his work at
the prison, she has to be honest with him – she doesn't love him. He's so in
love with her that he's sure she will eventually learn to love him back.


Ana kisses Fer adios!

Santos tells his Bonita that he plans to give
himself in and she doesn't agree, of course. 
She suggests he wait til his father proves his innocence.  They have a moment when they both feel some
queasiness and laugh when theY both realize they're

PEAM #93-7/17/13: Not Even Uri Could Have Spoiled Those Two Nights Of Passion!

Recap By Pablo

Somewhere around 3:15 pm (mid afternoon coffee time), at Avon, Xóchitl was talking to Jéssica.

-Now, if you allow me to tell you... started Xóchitl while a very upset Jéssica interrupted her to start to imitate Quico while threatening to go to the night club and give Natasha a lesson in ''Only one reason why you don't steal anybody's love interests''. -I will go up on the stage

The more things change the more they stay the same QBA 07/16/2013

My apologies for any mistakes, I'm going on about 30 minutes of sleep...that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Amalia and Ruben face-off

  Amalia finally seems to have grown a back bone, I doubt that her new attitude will last longer than an episode or two but let us all hold hands and cherish the fact that for one glorious moment she has seen the light and is trying to stand up for Maria

Amores Verdaderos, Cap 175, 7-16-13—We have Prince Charming and we have some jumping of the shark

Amores Verdaderos, Cap 175, 7-16-13—We have Prince Charming and we have some jumping of the shark

Something more will be put here later. Discuss amongst yourselves. Quick overview with more planned to be added later.

Yep, he kisses her hand and says he'll be her stand-in baby daddy. *Viewerville melts.*

It's been one of those days. I hate this. I want to do this episode more justice. I'll

PEAM, Tuesday 7/16/13 (#92): I Was Told There Would Be Pancakes.

In the avances for tonight's show, I saw Yuri stab some pancakes with a fork. I was very worried about those pancakes. I thought about them all day long. But tonight, I saw no pancakes. I watched twice.

But we don't talk about food here as if that's the only thing on our minds. We're trying to prove that we're different; we're not like those other people who show up for a recap with a bunch of

Corazon Indomable, #47, Tuesday, 07/16/13 We need a miracle and a miracle we get…hopefully

Opening sequence shows our two lovebirds
suffering the pangs of morning sickness. 
Amalia sees Maria rushing to the bathroom and the wheels start to
spin.  Hmmmm  Amalia brings her some food but Maria doesn't
want to touch it.  Amalia tries to give
her a pep talk – stiff upper lip, all that stuff, but Maria feels defeated and
dejected and

PEAM #83- 7/3/13: These Are The Little Mornings That King David Used To Sing!

Recap By Pablo

34 years ago, in a place at north of México, a little girl was born. She had hair blonder than corn and her parents named her Alma (Soul in spanish). Could it be because her hair got blonder as she aged? Probably not. Her mother had the same name, juárever. Today, on January 5th, her husband threw her a surprise party and all Avon was invited...  will everybody attend? Patricia,

Amores verdaderos, Cap. 166, Wednesday, July 3: Follow the money

Frankie outsmarts Aníbal but in the end, at least for tonight, the old coot has the last laugh.

The Old Stuff

Francisco has a briefcase full of cash, a first class plane ticket to New York and a phone video of him and Aníbal doing the deal.  

Arriaga chooses the cash settlement Victoria's lawyer offers for the loss of his house.  As he signs the agreement, he smiles at the thought that

Amores Verdaderos Cap 165, 7-2-13—Gramps, you are dead to me.

Amores Verdaderos Cap 165, 7-2-13—Gramps (Anibal), you are dead to me.

Lo siento, I'm afraid this is going to be a rather haphazard recap tonight. I was sort of in and out when watching, so I know I missed stuff. I encourage everyone to read the comments because I'm counting on our wonderful commenters to fill in the blanks I will inevitably leave!

Well, at least I have screencaps. So it's

QBA, Cap. 85 & 86.1 [probably] - 7/2/13: Cry Me a River Grande – or – Maria Needs a Dope Slap

Version 2.0--Is now re-viewed, re-edited and re-posted.  Most of the changes came in the parts with dialog. Some scenes have been combined to facilitate the rain of
tears flowing by.

Todo lo que Paso Ayer, Pasó Ayer

Esto Pasó Hoy

The Streets of D.F.
lead to a Cantina Flophouse
Jorge Alfredo is still meandering the streets carrying his
remaining memories of Maria in a sack and in his arms.  (We

PEAM, Tuesday 7/2/13 (#82): Half a Loaf

Xóchitl finds her mother unconscious on the floor and screams for Julio, who comes running to help. He holds a mirror to Bárbara's mouth and verifies that she is still breathing. Xochi calls an ambulance.

At the hospital, Xochi blames herself for her mother's condition. Julio tries to comfort her, but she seems to turn away from his hug. The doctor gives his diagnosis: Physically, Barb is

Corazon Indomable, #37, Tuesday, 07-02-13 MariAle gets a new ally, Octavio gets wasted and the baby bump gets real

I feel like this
episode had way to much useless dialog, some of what I wrote might not make much sense… but please, blame it on the story, I’m just an innocent victim :)


Oblivio returned from
his journey of discovery

Porque el Amor Manda #81 , Monday 1 July. One small step for the lips, one giant leap for the plot.

In brief, and out of order:

Valentina puts Chatita to sleep with her retelling of the boring Queen and Lackey story. In Val's version, a wicked witch put a spell on the Queen and that is why she married the Evile One. Vero wakes Chatita and yanks the Ayudante doll out of her hands.

Elías invites Marisela for an evening out. When he picks her up, Vero is rude and condescending to the young

Qué Bonito Amor Lunes 7/1/13 #83.2 & 84

83, Part 2: Todo es Perdido (por el momento)

Rooftop: While Roddy and Paloma are making up elsewhere, Maria accuses Santos of not trusting her with the
truth. She has conveniently forgotten that she had shut him down
from doing so more than once. He admits to having abused her faith
in him [Santos, that was a big mistake] but that he never lied
about his feelings for

Amores # 164 Anyballs steals a signature move from Al Capone... spreading threats all over town... ; Lilly not giving in and JA won't back up on Vicky, so JA and Vicky have sad goodbye... ; Poor Carlos got confused with swiss cheese... AGAIN

Nil-Brain miffed, treats Bea like crap ordering around, then fires Dances.

Bea and Dances talk afterwards, she asks him why got fired, he tells her he had a fling with KenDrat… Bea very understanding. He just wants her to smile. (AWWWWW shucks!!)
Vicky in her art studio thinking… remembers sweet-NOT-Lilly’s words: can accept you as aunt, but not as my dad’s sig other!! JA comes in, reassures

Corazón Indomable #36, 7/1/2013: One Day You’re In, and the Next Day You’re Out, and Mari is OUT!